وهي من إعداد / الأستاذ / محمد فوزي
مراجعة قوية جدا فى مادة الإنجليزي للصف الاول الاعدادى للفصل الدراسى الثانى
مراجعة رائعة فى المادة لأهم البراجرافات
مراجعة رائعة فى المادة لأهم البراجرافات
وفيما يلي مثال لما داخل المذكرة
The ancient Egyptians inventions"
The ancient Egyptians were great inventors. They invented/did many things. They made the
glass beads. they made toothpaste from salt and plants. they invented the calendar. they also
invented the water clock.
"The Lighthouse of Alexandria"
It was the world's first lighthouse. It was built by the ancient Egyptian. It was 130 m tall. It
shines a light to ships at sea. It opened in about 283 BCE. It was very beautiful.