وهي من إعداد الأستاذ / معهد الغد 2016-2017
مراجعة قوية في الحاسب الآلي - الكمبيوترللصف الأول الاعدادى للفصل الدراسى الثانى لغات
مراجعة قوية في الحاسب الآلي - الكمبيوترللصف الأول الاعدادى للفصل الدراسى الثانى لغات
مراجعة رائعة فى مادة الحاسب الآلي - الكمبيوتر لأهم الأسئلة المتوقعة لإمتحانات التيرم الثاني
أسئلة مميزة جداً تمكنك من عبور الإمتحان بكل سهولة
الإجابات توجد في نهاية المذكرة
وفيما يلي جزء من المحتوى
أسئلة مميزة جداً تمكنك من عبور الإمتحان بكل سهولة
الإجابات توجد في نهاية المذكرة
وفيما يلي جزء من المحتوى
Question 7 : Put ( ) or ().
1) Search engines are sites provide the best and shortest route to get to
the information needed by users. ( )
2) The address of the search engine Google in the internet is
.google.com.www ( )
3) E-mail service via the Internet is a way to get to the information.( )
4) Search service via the internet is e-mail address used to forward any
mail to a group of people. ( )
5) E-mail service used to exchange e-mail, they may contain text , image
or videos. ( )
6) New group service is provided by some sites, it is the service of buying
and selling online. ( )
Question 8: Complete the following using:
( New groups – online service – Twitter – www – search engine )
1) Search Engine used to search in the Websites for the texts, images,
groups, news and books.
2) WWW is a page written in a language called HTML and shown
through a web browser.
3) Online service provided by some sites, it is the service of buying and
selling online.
4) New groups sites on the internet where people meet to exchange ideas
and opinions about certain topic( mathematics , geography , science)
5) Twitter is from the social media sites.
Question 9: Write the scientific term:
1) Sites provide the best and shortest route to get to the information
needed by users. (Search Engine )
2) Service that allows you to send files to a colleague or more as soon as
( E-mail )
3) Social news is exchanged between the community members like
Facebook and Twitter. ( Social Media)
1) Search engines are sites provide the best and shortest route to get to
the information needed by users. ( )
2) The address of the search engine Google in the internet is
.google.com.www ( )
3) E-mail service via the Internet is a way to get to the information.( )
4) Search service via the internet is e-mail address used to forward any
mail to a group of people. ( )
5) E-mail service used to exchange e-mail, they may contain text , image
or videos. ( )
6) New group service is provided by some sites, it is the service of buying
and selling online. ( )
Question 8: Complete the following using:
( New groups – online service – Twitter – www – search engine )
1) Search Engine used to search in the Websites for the texts, images,
groups, news and books.
2) WWW is a page written in a language called HTML and shown
through a web browser.
3) Online service provided by some sites, it is the service of buying and
selling online.
4) New groups sites on the internet where people meet to exchange ideas
and opinions about certain topic( mathematics , geography , science)
5) Twitter is from the social media sites.
Question 9: Write the scientific term:
1) Sites provide the best and shortest route to get to the information
needed by users. (Search Engine )
2) Service that allows you to send files to a colleague or more as soon as
( E-mail )
3) Social news is exchanged between the community members like
Facebook and Twitter. ( Social Media)