الكتاب المدرسي في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي || التيرم الثاني|| - خواجه


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أهلاً بك .... ||خواجه KHAWAGAH|| ≧ ☉ ◡ ☉ ≦ أعلن في هذه المساحة

الثلاثاء، 5 فبراير 2019

الكتاب المدرسي في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي || التيرم الثاني||

الكتاب المدرسي في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي || التيرم الثاني||
للأحباء في الصف الثالث الإعدادي الكتاب المدرسي في اللغة الإنجليزية التيرم الثاني
وهي من تأليف وإعداد  Cheryl Pelteret
كتاب وزارة التربية والتعليم في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي - التيرم الثاني
كتاب المدرسة للفصل الدراسي الثاني مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادي
ما يحتوي عليه الكتاب 
 كتاب الدراسة في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي التيرم الثاني
يحتوي على 128 صفحة على كامل أجزاء المنهج
English for Preparatory Schools
New Hello 3


Functions and vocabulary
Module 4: Life and work
Unit 10
Page 2
Travelling for work
Future forms: the present simple and present continuous:
We’re taking the sleeper train to Aswan tonight.
The train leaves at seven o’clock.
talking about train travel
buying a train ticket
understanding words with a similar meaning
writing a description of a journey
Tools for Life:
The importance of being on time
Unit 11
Page 7
Making the right choices
might / should / must (not) have:
He should have talked to his parents. They might have helped him.
It must have been very difficult for Sameh.
speculating about the past
persuading, advising and expressing regret in the past
using the suffix -ful to make adjectives
writing a dialogue
Why people become addicted to things
Unit 12
Page 12
Transport workers
Reporting statements and imperatives:
I told him that it was my first job. The manager ordered me to wear a helmet and boots.
He warned me to look out for things falling.
giving orders, warnings, invitations and advice
talking about different jobs
making opinions stronger
planning what to write
writing a description of a job
Eye on Egypt:
Technical Schools
Critical Thinking:
The importance of technical skills
Review D Page 17
Revision of units 10–12
Module 5: The past, present and future
Unit 13
Page 19
At the observatory
Reported questions:
Yunis asked how many planets there were.
Ziad asked if it was hot or cold on the moon.
talking about the solar system and space
asking polite questions
writing interview questions
Tools for Life:
The importance of being polite
Unit 14
Page 24
Wonders of the world
The present perfect passive:
The final seven places have been chosen.
A new list has been written.
The dishes haven’t been washed yet.
talking about changes to a city
asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
using negative prefixes
writing about a visit to a wonder of the world
Writing a description of a place that should be a wonder of the world
Unit 15
Page 29
The second conditional with might
or could:
If a person didn’t know how to use social media, it might be more difficult for them to find work.
If somebody wanted to have the latest technology, they could buy a smartphone.
talking about technology and internet banking
encouraging people to continue speaking
using the correct punctuation
writing a report about social media
Eye on Egypt:
Digital projects
Critical Thinking:
protecting ancient monuments
Review E Page 34
Revision of units 13–15
Module 6: The natural world
Unit 16
Page 36
Animal stories
The past perfect:
Grasshopper hadn’t done any work all week.
A farmer found that his goose had laid a yellow egg.
talking about stories and morals
responding to news
identifying word stress
writing a story with a moral
Tools For Life:
The importance of doing the right thing
Unit 17
Page 41
Animal life in the past
The third conditional:
If I had had some money, I would have bought that toy.
What would have happened if a  lot of volcanoes had erupted at the same time?
imagining the past
giving dates and numbers you are not sure of
using the noun form of verbs
writing about an animal
Researching and writing information about an animal
Unit 18
Page 46
Sea life
Revision of first, second and third conditionals:
If you dive to the bottom, you will probably see a stingray.
If you didn’t want to go diving, you could go snorkelling.
If I hadn’t taken my special camera, I wouldn’t have taken any photos.
talking about sea life
showing relief and excitement
taking notes
expanding notes into full sentences
Eye on Egypt:
The Red Sea
Critical Thinking:
The importance of protecting wildlife
Review F Page 51
Revision of units 16–18
Black Beauty Page 53
Word list and Irregular verbs  Pages 78–80

للتحميل وحفظ الملف على جهازك إضغط على التحميل
حجم الملف : 13 ميجا
إنتظر قليلا للتحميل حيث أن الملف كبير نسبياً أو إذا كان إتصالك بطيء

لا تنسي أن تسجل معنا من هنا ليصلك كل جديد على إيميلك
أو تشترك معنا على قنوات التواصل

جميع التعليقات تعبّر عن رأي كاتبيها فقط، ولا تعبر عن وجهة نظر مدونة خواجه ، وحريّة النقد والرد متاحة للجميع مع تطبيق سياسة مدونة خواجه تجاه التعليقات


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